Welcome to the epitome of comfort and luxury at Spring Meadows Estates. Our recently sold residence, located at 12 - 26409 TWP532A, is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship and design excellence. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Parkland County and the Edmonton Springs Golf Resort, this home stands as a beacon of modern luxury living. With its majestic exterior, lavish interiors, and an ensuite oasis finished with exquisite European tiles, it's the pinnacle of upscale living—where every detail is a stroke of elegance.

  • Ensuite Oasis: Indulge yourself in a bathroom that rivals any spa, detailed with European tiles that ooze luxury.

MLS Pricing Reference: All prices listed on this website are reflective of the figures provided on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) at the time of posting. Prices are subject to change based on market conditions and may not be immediately updated. For the latest pricing, please refer to the MLS or contact us directly.

MLS Square Footage Reference: The square footage for the homes listed is based on information from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and is believed to be accurate. However, variations may exist due to rounding or differences in measurement standards. For specific details on square footage, please refer to the MLS or our sales representatives.

Visual and Feature Representations: Visual depictions of homes on this website, including but not limited to photos and drawings, are for illustrative purposes and may include artistic interpretations or be based on pre-construction drawings. Actual homes may differ from these visuals. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice and may differ from those listed or depicted.